品牌 | 克特 |
供电电压VS | DC10-30V±10% 波纹<10% |
消耗电流 | 45mA以下 |
光源色谱 | 红、绿、蓝、白可选 |
光 点 | Φ0.5-Φ1.5 |
检测角度 | 光线与被测物表面垂直 允许偏差15° |
响应时间 | 0.1-1ms |
输出方式 | 亮动 暗动可选 |
输出指示 | 红色LED |
输出电压 | 高电平Vs-(≤1.5V) 低电平(≤1.2V) |
带载电流 | 200mA |
电路保护装置 | Vs电压有反极性保护,输出有短路保护。同时具有任意接错线保护。当负载电流1.>200mA时开关自动跳开,而在1.≤200mA时信号又自动回复。同时具有任意接错线保护。 |
灵敏度 | 单圈可调 |
抗环境光 | 白炽灯〈3000Lx 太阳光10000Lx |
防护等级 | IP67(防潮防尘) |
环保温度 | 操作-15℃—65℃ 保存-25℃—80℃ |
生产厂家 | 上海克特传感器科技有限公司 |
引出线 | Φ5.4PVC四芯护套电缆 标准长2M |
The KT-Z3N-T22 KTGEE sensor is commonly used to detect spots on specific color codes or objects. It achieves color code detection by comparing it with non color code areas, rather than directly measuring colors. The color code sensor is actually a reverse device, where the light source is installed perpendicular to the target object, while the receiver is installed at a sharp angle to the object, allowing it to only detect scattered light from the target object, thereby avoiding direct reception of reflected light by the sensor and making the beam focus very narrow. Both incandescent lamps and monochromatic light sources can be used for color code detection.
Sensors based on incandescent lamps use colored light sources to detect colors, which emit light of various colors including infrared. Therefore, sensors using this light source can detect small changes in color over a wide range. In addition, the detection circuit of incandescent lamp sensors is usually very simple, thus achieving extremely fast response speed. However, incandescent lamps do not allow vibration and extended usage time, so they are not suitable for situations with severe impact and vibration.