反射式光电开关 | 克特E3F-DS20C4反射光电开关是一种集发射器和接收器于一体的传感器,当有被检测物体经过时,将光电开关发射器发射的足够量的光线反射到接收器,于是光电开关就产生了开关信号。当被检测物体的表面光亮或其反光率较高时,直接反射式的光电开关是首选的检测模式。 产品1:M18漫反射型光电开关(输出NPN/PNP/SSR) 检测距离:100毫米/300毫米/500毫米/100毫米 被检测物最小直径:5毫米 指向角度:小于5度 工作电压:6~36V直流/150-250交流 工作电流:小于10毫安 输出驱动电流:300毫安 温度范围:-40~70度 这是一种应用最为广泛的光电开关,它的直径为18毫米,固定时只要在设备外壳上打一个18毫米的园孔就能轻松固定,长度约70毫米,背后有工作指示灯,当检测到物体时红色LED点亮,平时处于熄灭状态,非常直观,引线长度为150毫米。 |
【工作电压】:DC 6-36V
KTGEE photoelectric switch (photoelectric sensor) is the abbreviation of photoelectric proximity switch. It uses the obstruction or reflection of the light beam by the detected object, and the synchronous circuit is selected to detect the presence or absence of the object. Objects are not limited to metals, all objects that can reflect light can be detected. The photoelectric switch converts the input current into an optical signal at the transmitter and emits it. The receiver then detects the target object based on the strength or presence of the received light. The common photoelectric switch smoke alarm in security systems is often used in industry to count the number of movements of robotic arms.