产品型号 | 动作角度 | 极限角度 | 动作力(kg) | 触点数量 | 触点容量 | 复位方式 | 可靠性 | 品牌 | |
常开 | 常闭 | ||||||||
XLLS-I | 30o | 75o | 10 | 2 | 2 | AC250V 10A | 自动 | >10万次 | 克特 |
XLLS-II | 30o | 75o | 10 | 2 | 2 | AC250V 10A | 手动 | >10万次 |
XLLS-II,XLLS-11,XLLS-2克特双向拉绳开关应安装在输送机两边具有检修通道的地方,安装位置应确保检修人员在紧急情况下操作方便。 1、将拉绳开关固定在机架上。 2、一侧的两台开关之间距离为50m左右,采用直径为Φ4的钢丝绳连接,松紧应适度。 3、为减小钢丝绳自重对开关启动的影响,每隔3m在机架上装一个托环,以支撑钢丝绳。 4、钢丝绳的另一端系在拉簧上(用绳扣固定),在不影响正常使用下用紧线器将两侧拉绳张紧,并确保两侧张力均衡。在带式运输现场得到广泛的应用. 本产品属机电融合一体的新技术产品,为国内专有技术。对于皮带输送机、拉链机、刮板机、提升机、扒料机及其它传动机械出现故障时,能在设备任意位置停机。能及时有效的保护设备和人身安全、避免事故扩大化,达到保障生产、保护设备的目的。另外由于信号可发送至控制系统,方便实现工厂自动化控制,因此又可达到减员增效,集中控制,利于生产与调度的目的。
The KTGEE rope switch is composed of a pull rod, a reset handle, a cam, a locking groove, and a micro switch.
TheKTGEE rope switch is installed on the frames on both sides of the belt conveyor, and is connected along both sides of the conveyor with steel wire ropes. When an emergency occurs in the conveyor belt equipment, the steel wire rope is pulled at any location along the site, and the steel wire rope drives the drive arm to rotate. The torque spring is driven by the transmission shaft to cause the cam to shift, and the micro switch is driven to cut off the control line, causing the conveyor to stop running.
When an emergency occurs at the site of a tape conveyor, the steel wire rope tied to the hanging ear is pulled at any position along the line, forcing the internal cam of the machine to rotate and driving the microcomputer switch to act, issuing a shutdown signal to achieve the shutdown effect and prevent the accident from expanding.